Dr. Srinivasan Sundararajan Inspires Medical Device Exploration at NIT Trichy

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Dr. Srinivasan Sundararajan, a former director of NIT Tiruchirappalli and an outstanding retired scientist from the BRAHMOS programme team of the Defence Research and Development Organization has delivered a guest lecture on the innovation and research aspects in biomedical devices, as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. 

He has mentioned that there is no recession in three sectors, namely, health, defence and education, and the students can pursue a bright future in these fields. He has discussed some of the healthcare inventions in DRDO which include heart valves, tissue valves, patient-specific valves and 3D printing and prosthetics. Further, he has also discussed the importance of materials in prosthetics and shed light on how this interdisciplinary research can be conducted by the engineers from various disciplines.

Dr Srinivasan has also emphasised that the research should focus on early disease detection, minimally invasive surgical procedures, improved treatment efficacy and enhanced patient monitoring. He has also pointed out that the human-machine interface and artificial intelligence are promising areas of biomedical research and it should be enhanced by establishing strong collaboration between engineers, scientists and medical professionals. He has triggered several young minds to conduct research and development in medical devices. Dr. N. Sivakumaran, Professor of Instrumentation and Control Engineering welcomed the guest and Dr Dhanalakshmi,HoD, ICE had thanked the gathering.

More than 250 participants including faculty members, research scholars, and students had benefited from this session.

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