Redefining Indulgence with Sustainable Bean-to-Bar Chocolate: Thy Chocolates Founder & CEO Archana Vijayaraman

Business MInutes

In the heart of Chennai, a chocolate revolution is underway, led by Thy Chocolates, an artisanal bean-to-bar chocolate maker that sets the bar high for quality, sustainability, and social responsibility. With a commitment to using the highest quality, locally available, naturally sourced ingredients, Thy Chocolates crafts premium products that not only tantalize the taste buds but also contribute to a better world. 

The Founder & CEO of Thy Chocolates and the BM Correspondent had a highly insightful and engaging discussion that opened the eyes of young people who intend to establish their own businesses. 

The first question asked was about her background, give us a short brief about your family, educational background and professional experience… She said, “I come from a humble background of a middle class engineer and a house wife mother residing in Delhi NCR. Born in our native in Madurai raised in Delhi I was exposed to the diversity of India during my childhood. I came to Chennai to pursue engineering in Sathyabama in Elec n Instrumentation and got campus placement to an IT company. Quite soon I realised I was working for someone else's appreciation, I wanted to set on to create my own path with my own thoughts and values.”

Next was about the idea, what motivation you got to start this company and why are you best to pursue it? She replied that “I have always been a sweet tooth person loving sakarai pongal to rasgullas to jalebis. I loved my chocolates too but I was skeptic about how people had dark chocolates. In Covid, I experienced I got to slowly know about this intense flavourful experience. I swapped sides to fall in love with these dark chocolates. I happened to experience some fine chocolates and I was intrigued to find more about how they are made and became a self-taught chocolatier myself and started Prahana Products to launch Thy Chocolates the gateway to guilt free chocolate indulgence in every bite.”

Then about the core values of the company, what is your vision/goal about this company? She said, “We started with the vision of making healthy foods for everyone with respect for people and the planet” which is really a great initiative.

Next, what does the success of the company would look like for you? She replied, it is “When Covertures takes a precedence over Compound chocolates!”

Now coming to the important part, what do you see as the greatest risk right now in the company? She told, “Getting good quality supply continuously is the risk. But a lot of more people are coming to cocoa and other crops so it’s better.”

Coming to the development aspect, what is the future plans of expanding your network, where do you see your business in five years? Ten? The reply she gave expressed her wide vision, “We wish to be the face of the healthy foods market share in India.”

Finally, the most important question, being a women entrepreneur –  Who is your biggest ally, and how do you intend to take over this business in the future? She replied, “It’s my Family is my biggest strength and my team is my prized possession asset who handle the production line and assist in my absence. We wish to take it to every nook and corner of India by launching Pan India sales and even export our products that people enjoy this indulgence worldwide.” And as a result of our conversation with her, we now know how much effort goes into becoming a successful entrepreneur.

At the core of Thy Chocolates' philosophy lies a dedication to sustainability. By prioritizing local farmers and reducing environmental impact, the company directly contributes to several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health & Well Being), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). Through its innovative bean-to-bar process, Thy Chocolates supports local agriculture, fosters fair trade, and minimizes its carbon footprint, setting a new standard for socially responsible and environmentally friendly chocolate production.

What sets Thy Chocolates apart is not just its commitment to sustainability, but also its diverse product range and unique flavours. From dark chocolates ranging from 55% to 100% cocoa content with fruits and nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts, raisins, mango, orange, etc., to exotic flavours like pan masala, chilli and cinnamon, etc., Thy Chocolates offers a chocolate experience like no other. Their specialty lies in creating chocolates that are completely refined sugar-free, using only natural sweeteners like brown sugar, coconut sugar, or jaggery. Moreover, their chocolates are free from vegetable oils, additives, and preservatives, ensuring a pure and guilt-free indulgence. Available in organic stores across Chennai and now have also introduced PAN India shipping on Amazon and Swiggy Minis

Thy Chocolates' commitment to innovation goes beyond its products to its business model. Through its bean-to-bar process, the company ensures full traceability and transparency, allowing consumers to connect with the origins of their chocolate. By collaborating directly with local farmers and supporting sustainable agriculture, Thy Chocolates not only creates premium products but also empowers communities and promotes ethical consumption. Inspired by a vision to redefine chocolate as both indulgence and a source of health benefits, Thy Chocolates aims to provide consumers with a guilt-free chocolate experience. By offering organic and vegan chocolates made with the highest quality ingredients, the brand appeals to health-conscious consumers who seek nourishment without compromising on flavour. Thy Chocolates also aims to make authentic chocolate experiences accessible to all, bridging the gap between premium quality and affordability.

The impact of Thy Chocolates extends beyond the realm of business. By prioritizing sustainability and ethical sourcing, the company positively contributes to local economies and the environment. Through its plastic-free packaging and commitment to natural ingredients, Thy Chocolates showcases the potential for businesses to drive positive change and promote a more sustainable future. From a business perspective, Thy Chocolates' commitment to sustainability has yielded significant benefits. By aligning with consumer values and establishing itself as a socially conscious brand, the company has gained market share and enhanced customer loyalty. Moreover, its focus on sustainability has boosted employee morale and contributed to a positive corporate culture, further driving its success.

In conclusion, Thy Chocolates is not just a chocolate maker; it is a pioneer in sustainable indulgence. Through its commitment to quality, sustainability, and social responsibility, Thy Chocolates sets a new standard for chocolate production, one that prioritizes people and the planet. With each bite of Thy Chocolates, consumers not only savour the rich flavours but also support a movement towards a more sustainable and ethical future.


BM Correspondent

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