Over 20 lakh Muslims perform Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca despite scorching heat

Business MInutes

Dr. Abdul Kadir, Principal of Annai Fathima College, performs Hajj

According to Islam, every Muslim is obligated to fulfill five pillars of Islam throughout their life: Kalima (declaration of faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (almsgiving), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). The first four pillars can be performed by Muslims wherever they reside. However, the fifth pillar, Hajj, requires Muslims to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and perform a series of rituals at Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifah, and the Kaaba.

To fulfill this sacred obligation, Dr. Abdul Kadir, the former principal of the Wakf Board College and the current principal of Annai Fathima Arts and Science College, Thirmangalam, along with his wife, Dr. Zeenath who retired as the Chief Medical Officer in the Madurai Corporation Medical Department, embarked on a journey to Mecca from Chennai on June 9th.

From the 8th to the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, the Islamic month of pilgrimage, over 20 lakh Muslims from all over the world gathered in Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj, braving the scorching summer heat of 51 degrees Celsius. Dr. Abdul Kadir, the principal of Annai Fathima College in Thirmangalam, along with his wife Dr. Zinat, successfully completed their Hajj pilgrimage. 

While over 20 lakh Hajj pilgrims participated this year from around the world, it is noteworthy that 1,75,025 Hajj pilgrims from India have travelled to Mecca to perform their Hajj rituals.

The scorching heat during Hajj 2024 resulted in the deaths of 90 Indian pilgrims, bringing the total death toll to 645. Despite the heat, pilgrims were determined to fulfill their religious obligation and expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to participate in Hajj. The Saudi Arabian authorities implemented various measures to ensure the safety and well-being of pilgrims, including providing cooling stations, distributing water and ice, and deploying additional medical personnel.


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