Sapling planted in NIT Trichy campus as part of Yoga Day celebrations

Business MInutes

Saplings were planted in National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli campus as part of International Day of Yoga celebrations. 

NIT Trichy Director Dr G Aghila planted sapling in NIT campus and spoke about safeguarding environment for good health. She said saplings planted now will help future faculty and students and ensure greenery in the campus. Field Publicity Officer Tiruchirappali Shri K Devi Padmanabhan and Dean Students welfare NIT Trichy Dr Karvembu also planted saplings in NIT Trichy campus. 

Sports officers of NIT Trichy Dr Dalley Krishnan, Dr Solomon Raja, FPA Trichy Shri S Arunkumar were present. Central Bureau of Communication had organized integrated communication Outreach Programme on International Day of Yoga in coordination with NIT Trichy at Barn Hall NIT Trichy. 

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