Apollo Speciality Hospital, Trichy's HPB Unit Continues the successful journey

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Liver is the largest internal organ of the body playing a pivotal role in everything from detoxifying harmful substances to aiding digestion and immunity, the growing prevalence of liver diseases demands immediate attention and action.

India, a country where every fifth individual is at risk of developing liver disease. IN 2015, India accounted for 18.3% of global liver disease-related deaths. This alarming statistic highlights a pressing health crisis exacerbated by shifting cultural and lifestyle norms. The adoption of Western diets, calorie dense diets and increasingly sedentary lifestyles, coupled with changing attitudes towards alcohol consumption, are propelling a rise in liver diseases, particularly Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) and Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatosis Liver Disease (MASLD) (colloquially, fatty liver disease).

Mr Jayaraman AVP &Unit Head, Trichy Apollo Hospital, given a welcome address It is a privilege to have you here as we highlight the advancements in our hepatobiliary and liver transplant services. Apollo Hospital is dedicated to delivering top-notch medical care, and our hepatobiliary and liver transplant department exemplifies this commitment. Our team of expert surgeons, physicians, and support staff, along with state-of-the-art technology, ensures the highest standards of patient care. Today, we will share our latest achievements, success stories, and future plans in liver transplant surgeries. We aim to raise awareness about early diagnosis and treatment options, showcasing the life-saving potential of liver transplants.

Dr Kumaragurubaran who’s hepatologist and liver transplant Physician described that:"Liver diseases can be classified into two main categories: acute and chronic. Acute liver disease occurs suddenly and can be caused by factors such as infections, poisoning, or binge alcohol consumption. Symptoms can escalate rapidly and include, jaundice, fever and altered consciousness.

 Chronic liver disease, on the other hand, develops gradually over months or years and is often due to long-term influences like obesity, chronic alcohol use, or viral infections such as hepatitis B and C. Chronic liver disease often progresses silently, but as it advances, the symptoms become more apparent and can significantly impact quality of life. Individuals may experience fatigue, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), itchy skin, swelling in the legs and abdomen due to fluid build-up (edema and ascites), and unexplained weight loss. Other concerning signs include bruising easily, dark urine, pale stool colors, and confusion or difficulty thinking clearly, which stems from the liver's diminished ability to remove toxins from the blood. These symptoms warrant immediate medical attention as they indicate significant liver damage and potential failure, underscoring the importance of early detection and treatment to manage the disease effectively."

Dr Elankumaran who’s the head of liver transplant services Apollo Tamil Nadu, explains that "Liver transplantation is a life-saving procedure is recommended for individuals with end-stage liver disease, like cirrhosis, acute liver failure certain cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, and congenital diseases (especially in children). There are two types of transplants based sources of donor organs: cadaveric (deceased donor) and living donor transplants. Cadaveric liver transplants involve organs donated by individuals who are brain dead, often due to trauma or severe illness, and family has consented to organ donation. These transplants can be complicated by the scarcity of available organs and risk of prolonged waiting. In contrast, living donor liver transplantation involves a healthy person donating a portion of their liver, which can regenerate in both the donor and recipient. This option offers shorter waiting times and can be scheduled electively, but it requires meticulous surgical planning. Both approaches have their advantages and challenges, and the choice depends on factors like urgency, donor availability, and the specific circumstances of the patient.

The Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) program at Apollo Specialty Hospital, Trichy, launched one and a half years ago, has been at the forefront of complex surgical interventions, to date, our team has successfully completed 10 liver transplants, including two paediatric cases. In addition to liver transplants, the program expertly handles other advanced HPB surgeries like surgeries of pancreas, biliary tract (for cancer and other non-cancer related issues) and shunt surgeries for portal hypertension. Supported by top-notch intensive care specialists, Anaesthetist’s, Medical gastroenterologists, interventional radiologists, and a comprehensive team of specialists available around the clock, the program ensures the highest standard of care for all patients.” Said Dr vijhay ganesun who’s the surgical gastroenterologist, HPB , liver transplant surgeon at Apollo speciality Trichy.

Dr Sivam Mediacal Administrator of Apollo Hospitals, Trichy special thanks to our top-notch intensive care specialists and anesthetists. Your crucial role in ensuring the highest standards of patient care and surgical outcomes cannot be overstated. Your support and dedication have been vital in making our HPB program a beacon of excellence.

On behalf of the entire team and our patients, I extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. Your exceptional teamwork and commitment to excellence continue to inspire us all.

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